Editor Ross E. Lockhart presents Tales from a Talking Board, fourteen stories of the strange and supernatural. Look for Tales from a Talking Board at better independent booksellers everywhere, and most online retailers. Signed copies are available direct from Word Horde.
Can we speak with the spirits of the dead? Is it possible to know the future? Are our dreams harbingers of things to come? Do auspicious omens and cautionary portents affect our lives?
Edited by Ross E. Lockhart, Tales from a Talking Board examines these questions–and more–with tales of auguries, divination, and fortune telling, through devices like Ouija boards, tarot cards, and stranger things.
So dim the lights, place your hands upon the planchette, and ask the spirits to guide you as we present fourteen stories of the strange and supernatural by Matthew M. Bartlett, Nadia Bulkin, Nathan Carson, Kristi DeMeester, Orrin Grey, Scott R Jones, David James Keaton, Anya Martin, J. M. McDermott, S.P. Miskowski, Amber-Rose Reed, Tiffany Scandal, David Templeton, and Wendy N. Wagner.
Edited by Ross E. Lockhart
Cover Design by Yves Tourigny
Pub Date: October 24, 2017
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-35-2
Format: eBook
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-36-9
Table of Contents
Ross E. Lockhart – A Brief History of Talking Boards
Kristi DeMeester – “YesNoGoodbye”
J. M. McDermott – The Devil and the Bugle Boys
Anya Martin – Weegee Weegee, Tell Me Do
Nathan Carson – When the Evil Days Come Not
Tiffany Scandal – Grief
David James Keaton – Spin the Throttle
S.P. Miskowski – Pins
Matthew M. Bartlett – Deep into the Skin
Wendy N. Wagner – The Burnt Sugar Stench
Scott R Jones – Worse than Demons
Amber-Rose Reed – The Empress and the Three of Swords
David Templeton – Questions and Answers
Orrin Grey – Haruspicate or Scry
Nadia Bulkin – May You Live in Interesting Times
About the Editor
ROSS E. LOCKHART is an author, anthologist, bookseller, editor, and publisher. A lifelong fan of supernatural, fantastic, speculative, and weird fiction, Lockhart is a veteran of small-press publishing, having edited scores of well-regarded novels of horror, fantasy, and science fiction.
Lockhart edited the anthologies The Book of Cthulhu I and II, Tales of Jack the Ripper, The Children of Old Leech: A Tribute to the Carnivorous Cosmos of Laird Barron (with Justin Steele), Giallo Fantastique, Cthulhu Fhtagn!, and Eternal Frankenstein. He is the author of Chick Bassist. Lockhart lives in a state of quantum flux in Petaluma, California, with his wife Jennifer, hundreds of books (currently residing in boxes), and Elinor Phantom, a Shih Tzu moonlighting as his editorial assistant.
Coming soon.