From Jeffrey Thomas, creator of Punktown, comes The Unnamed Country, where devils, gods, and ghosts still haunt the land, and where you may just discover a unicorn. Look for The Unnamed Country at better independent booksellers everywhere, and most online retailers. Copies with signed bookplates are available direct from Word Horde.
“Other countries have conquered us over our long history, and sometimes they changed our name. Hundreds of years ago, our Emperor Tho tried to think of ways to protect his country from being attacked again, after he managed to drive out the last invaders. And he knew he had to change the name his enemies had given to his country. Then Tho had an idea… a way to keep other people from wanting to come here and steal his empire. He would hide it from their eyes, and their minds, and the eyes and minds of any demon lords who might try to bring more bad luck to his empire. So he gave our land the name it has to this day.”
“And what name is that?”
“The Unnamed Country.”
From Jeffrey Thomas, creator of Punktown, comes The Unnamed Country, a mosaic novel weaving tales of a land and people poised between the ancient traditions of the past and the burgeoning technology of the future. Where devils, gods, and ghosts still haunt the land, and where you may just discover a unicorn.
Cover Art by Long Pham
Cover Design by Scott R Jones
Pub Date: November 19, 2019
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-54-3
Format: eBook
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-55-0
“Jeffrey Thomas has built a temple for you to visit, but he does not stop at the temple or even the gods for whom the temple stands. He has also realized for you the people who worship there, and the people who refuse to worship there, and the people who play video games of their gods’ adventures, and the people who sell lottery tickets and unicorn horn smoothies to tourists in the shadow of that temple. You might be one of those tourists when you enter, but as with all powerful temples you won’t be one by the time you leave.” –Brian Hauser, author of Memento Mori: The Fathomless Shadows