From Christine Morgan comes The Wolf's Feast, a collection of tales to rouse your inner viking. Look for The Wolf's Feast at better independent booksellers everywhere, and most online retailers. Copies with signed bookplates are available direct from Word Horde.
The skald pauses her tale. Time passes in heartbeats. Every sound echoes, continues a fragment of the story. The crash of distant waves invokes the whale-road, long ships traveling its path, their sides covered with brightly painted shields. The creak of ropes reminds you of Jormungandr, the Midgard Serpent, the world wrapped in its scaly embrace. Faraway wolves howl and call, echoing along the path to Niflheim, Hel’s realm of the dead.
You listen…
The skald gives you a knowing glance, then takes a drink of her mead before continuing. And then, her voice: low and sonorous, musical and rhythmic, begins once again to weave the tapestry, telling tales of heroism and horror, glory and loss. She sings of heroes and everyday folk, tricksters and tale-tellers, standing tall and facing gods and monsters. Vikings!
For more than a decade, author Christine Morgan’s Viking stories have delighted readers and critics, standing apart from the anthologies they appeared in. Now, Word Horde brings you The Wolf’s Feast, a new collection of Christine Morgan’s Vikings, from “The Viking in Yellow” to “Odin’s Eagle” and beyond. These tales of adventure, fantasy, and horror will be sure to rouse your inner Viking.
Cover Art and Design by Elinore Eaton
Pub Date: April 30, 2021
Format: Trade Paperback
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-58-1
Format: eBook
ISBN-13: 978-1-939905-59-8
Table of Contents
Winter Wolf
Blades of Ice and Ivory
The Viking in Yellow
Cats of War
Freya’s Veil
Her Father’s Skin
A New World
Dreams of Fire
Arm-Rings and Hack-Silver
Hakon’s Raid
Sisters of Hammer and Sword
Only Stones
Hel’s Road
Kvasir’s Blood
Odin’s Eagle
A Warlord’s Forest Fate
High School Mythical: Asgard
When Pele Met Loki
Fate of the World
Skvesha’s Saga
The Slaughter: Born of Blood
“Norse mythology comes to life in this collection of 22 wonderfully enigmatic stories and poems from Morgan. […] Infused with mythology and magic, these dark tales cast a powerful spell.” —Publishers Weekly