Here are just a few of the critical raves our latest anthology, Cthulhu Fhtagn!, has been receiving:
“…if R’lyeh isn’t rising fast enough for you, if clammy, webbed-handed fishbelly-white figures aren’t circling your house, and the stars aren’t winking out just yet, the Cthulhu Fhtagn! anthology will get you through until the madness begins.” —Marion Deeds, Fantasy Literature
“A new, and highly personal, take on the legacy of the Cthulhu Mythos emerges shuddering and gibbering from the R’lyehian depths in the bloated tentacular shape of Cthulhu Fhtagn!, conceived and collated by Ross E. Lockhart, whose stature as an anthologist and creator of The Book of Cthulhu I and II, Tales of Jack the Ripper, and The Children of Old Leech, approaches legendary proportions. And here are 19 examples of Cthulhoid weird filtered through his own unique perspective.” —Paul St. John Mackintosh, TeleRead
“These are all Lovecraftian stories, then, even if more than a few of them, this many generations hence, have moved well past the tropes and conventions the Old Man developed. This book shows us some of the best that pastiche, tribute, and evolution of the Lovecraftian Weird Tale can offer.” —Jonathan Raab, Muzzleland Press
“…a collection of dark stories that Lovecraft himself would be thrilled to read. If you are a fan of terrifying short stories, this is a book you will want to pick up immediately.” —Matthew Scott Baker, Shattered Ravings

Pick up a copy of Cthulhu Fhtagn! for yourself. Or, if you’re a reviewer, drop publicity[at]wordhorde[dot]com an email and request an electronic review copy today!